Position Title
Professor and Professor of Cooperative Extension
Appointment: 1986
B.S., Chapman University, 1972, Biology
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 1978, Biology / Nematology
Research Program
Teaching Program
Cooperative Extension Program
Nematode Management in California
Research Interests
Applied nematology, integrated pest management, nematology extension
Selected Publications:
Westerdahl, B., Riddle, L., Giraud, D., and Kamo, K. 2023. Field test of Easter lilies transformed with a rice cystatin gene for root lesion nematode resistance. Front. Plant Sci. Sec. Plant Pathogen Interactions, 14(2023): 1-14.
Westerdahl, B. B. and Bello, M. O. 2023. Chapter 16: Leaf and bud nematodes in agricultural crops and their management by biotechnological approaches. Khan, M. R., (ed), Novel Biological and Biotechnological Applications in Plant Nematode Management, Springer, Singapore. 359-376.
Westerdahl, B. B., Khan, M. R., Nyström, Å. O., and Ahmad, I. 2023. Chapter 23: Nematode problems in sugarcane and sugar beet and their sustainable management, Kahn, M. R. and Quintanilla, M., (ed), Nematode Diseases of Crops and Their Sustainable Management, Elsevier Inc., 565-594.
Westerdahl, B. and Carlson H. 2022. Influence of irrigation on effectiveness of nematicides for management of Columbia root knot nematode on potatoes. Acta Horticulturae, 1355: 711-716.
Westerdahl, B. B. 2021. Using trap crops to manage plant parasitic nematodes on vegetable crops. Acta Horticulturae, 1326: 265-269.
Westerdahl, B., Hasey, J., Grant, J., and Beem, L. W. Bionematicides as an alternative to methyl bromide fumigation. Journal of Nematology, (53) 1-10.
Westerdahl, B. B. 2021. Scenarios for sustainable management of plant parasitic nematodes. Indian Phytopathology, 74: 469-475.
Hoffmann, M., Ajwa, H. A., Westerdahl, B. B., Koike, S. T., Stanghellini, M., Wilen, C., and Fennimore, S. A. 2020. Multitactic preplant soil fumigation with allyl isothiocyanate in cut flower and strawberry. HortTechnology, 30: 251-258.
Westerdahl, B. B., Giraud, D., Riddle, L. J., and Anderson, C. A. 2020. Essential oils for managing Pratylenchus penetrans on Easter lilies. Journal of Nematology, 52: 1-7.
Westerdahl, B. B. 2020. Evaluation of trap cropping for management of root-knot nematode on annual crops. Acta Horticulturae, 1270: 141-146.
Gao, S., Doll, D. A., Stanghellini, M. S., Westerdahl, B. B., Wang, D., and Hansen, B. D. 2018. Deep injection and the potential of biochar to reduce fumigant emissions and effects on nematode control. Journal of Environmental Management, 223: 469-477.
Triky-Dolan, S., Westerdahl, B. B., Martin, F. N., Subbarao, K., Koike, S. T. and Ajwa, H. 2016. Fumigant dosages below maximum label rate control some soilborne pathogens. California Agriculture, 70(3): 130-136.
Chitambar, J. J., B.B. Westerdahl, B. B. and Subbotin, S. A.: Chapter 6. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in California Agriculture. S. A. Subbotin, J. J. Chitambar (eds.), Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection, Pages 131-192. Springer Nature Switzerland
Westerdahl, B. B., Buchner, R., Edstrom, J., Krueger, W., and Olson, W. 2012. Population fluctuations of ring nematode (Mesocriconema xenoplax) in prune orchards in California. Acta Hort, 985: 241-247.