Position Title
Professor and Professor of Cooperative Extension
Appointment: 1986
B.S., Chapman University, 1972, Biology
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 1978, Biology / Nematology
Research Program
Teaching Program
Cooperative Extension Program
Nematode Management in California
Research Interests
Applied nematology, integrated pest management, nematology extension
Selected Publications:
Qiu, J. J., B. B. Westerdahl, C. Anderson, and V. M. Williamson. 2006. Sensitive PCR Detection of Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica extracted from soil. Journal of Nematology 38:434-441.
Westerdahl, B.B. and M.A. Harivandi. 2007. Variability in populations of plant parasitic nematodes on turfgrass. Acta Horticulturae 762:139-142.
Fennimore, S. A., J.M. Duniway, G.T. Browne, F.N. Martin, H.A. Ajwa, B.B. Westerdahl, R.E. Goodhue, M. Haar, and C. Winterbottom. 2008. Methyl bromide alternatives evaluated for California strawberry nurseries. California Agriculture. 62(2):62-67.
Klose, S., H.A. Ajwa, G.T. Browne, K.V. Subbarao, F.N. Martin, S.A. Fennimore, and B.B. Westerdahl. 2008. Dose Response of Weed Seeds, Plant-Parasitic Nematodes, and Pathogens to Twelve Rates of Metam Sodium in a California Soil. Plant Disease. 92(11):1537-1546.
Giat, E., R. Kaspi, C. A. Anderson, B. B. Westerdahl. 2008, Seasonal Population Dynamics of the Plant-parasitic Nematode, Anguina pacificae on Golf Course Putting Greens in California. Journal of Nematology 40:252-257.
Harivandi, M.A., and B. B. Westerdahl. 2009. Evaluation of Nematicides, Fungicides, Insecticides, Molluscicides and Fertilizers for Nematode Management in Turfgrass in California. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 11:1-5.
Qiu, J.J., B. B. Westerdahl, and A. Pryor. 2009. Reduction of Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne javanica, and Ozone Mass Transfer in Soil Treated with Ozone. Journal of Nematology 41:241-246.
Westerdahl, B. 2011. Cultural Methods for Managing Nematodes on Vegetables and Ornamentals. Acta Horticulturae, 911: 185-198.
Westerdahl, B. B., R. Buchner, J. Edstrom, W. Krueger, and W.Olson. 2012. Population Fluctuations of Ring Nematode (Mesocriconema xenoplax) in Prune Orchards in California. Acta Horticulturae 985: 241-247.
Triky-Dotan, Shachaf, Becky Westerdahl, Frank N. Martin, Krishma Subbarao, Steven T. Koike, and Husein A. Ajwa. 2016. Fumigant dosages below maximum label rate control some soilborne pathogens. California Agriculture, 70(3): 130-136.
Gao, S., D.A. Doll, M.S. Stanghellini, B.B. Westerdahl, D. Wang, and B.D. Hanson. 2018. Deep injection and the potential of biochar to reduce fumigant emissions and effects on nematode control. Journal of Environmental Management, 223: 469-477.
Chitambar, J.J., B.B. Westerdahl, and S.A. Subbotin. 2018.Chapter 6. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in California Agriculture, Subbotin, S.A., and J.J. Chitambar, (ed), Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America Volume 1: Canada, Northeastern, Midwestern and Southern USA, Springer.
Westerdahl, B.B. 2020. Evaluation of trap cropping for management of root-knot nematode on annual crops. Acta Horticulturae, 1270: 141-146.
Westerdahl, B. B., D. Giraud, L. J. Riddle, and C. A. Anderson. 2020. Essential oils for managing Pratylenchus penetrans on Easter lilies. Journal of Nematology, 52: 1-7.
Hoffmann, M., H. A. Ajwa, B. B. Westerdahl, S. T. Koike, M. Stanghellini, C. Wilen, and S. A. Fennimore. 2020. Multitactic Preplant Soil Fumigation with Allyl Isothiocyanate in Cut Flowers and Strawberry. HortTechnology, 30: 251-258.
B. Westerdahl and H. Carlson. 2020. Influence of irrigation on effectiveness of nematicides for management of Columbia root knot nematode on potatoes. Acta Horticulturae. IN PRESS.