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Article Categories
Person Type
- Abigal Lehner
- Academic Senate Distinguished Faculty Research Award
- Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award
- Achhami
- Adam Wong
- Addie Abrams
- agricultural entomology
- agroecology
- Alejandro Del-Pozo
- alfalfa weevil
- Allen Chew
- alpine-arctic insects
- Alum Spotlight
- Amanda Hodson
- American Entomologist
- Amina Harris
- Andre Franco
- Andrew Corbett
- Angie Lenard
- Anthophora bomboides standfordina
- Apis mellifera
- applied apiculture
- arachnids
- Art Shapiro
- awards
- Barbie Craze
- bee genetics and breeding
- bee-microbe interactions
- Beer for a Butterfly
- bees
- biochemistry
- biogeography
- biological control
- Bird's Eye View
- Bob Kmsey
- Bohart
- Bohart Museum Society
- Bohart Museum of Entomology
- Brian Johnson
- Brian Johnson Lab
- Bruce Eldridge
- Bruce Hammock
- Bugbie
- bugs
- bumble bees
- Cabbage White Butterfly
- California Raptor Center
- California Department of Pesticide Regulation
- California Honey Festival
- California Master Beekeeper Program
- California Raptor Center
- California Ratpro Center
- CC Edwards
- Center for Land-Based Learning
- Chancellor Gary May
- Chancellor's Award
- Charles Mitter
- chemical ecology
- Ching-Jung Lin
- Christian Nansen
- Christine Casey
- Christine Sprunger
- Christine Tabuloc
- Christofer Brothers
- Christopher Pagan
- cicada molts
- Cindy McReynolds
- circadian biology
- circadian rhythm
- Citation for Excellence
- Clement Chow
- climate change
- Commencement Eliza Litsky
- community ecology
- Cooperative Extension
- Cornel University
- Danielle Rutkowski
- darkling beetles
- Department of Entomology and Nematology
- Department of Entomology and Nematology
- development
- Diana Almendariz
- Diane Ullman
- diet microbes
- digger bee
- disease ecology
- disturbance ecology
- Dorith Rotenberg
- Douglas Walsh
- Drosophila
- Dylan Beal
- Early Career Award
- ecoinformatics
- ecology
- Editor's Choice Award
- Eduardo Almeida
- EicOsis
- Elina Lastro Niño
- Eliza Litsky
- Eliza Litzey
- Elizabeth Bernays
- Elvira Galvan Hack
- Em Jochim
- Emeriti
- Emma Vazquez
- Entomological Society of America
- Entomology
- Entomology Class
- Entomology Graduate Student Association
- Environmental Entomology
- enzyme inhibitors
- ESA Meeting
- evolutionary morphology
- exit seminar
- Fall Seminars
- Felicity Muth
- First Bumble Bee of Year Contest
- food waste
- forensic entomologist
- forest entomology
- Fran Keller
- Frank Zalom
- Frankliniella occidentalis
- functional traits
- Gabriel Foote
- Gale Okumura
- Geoffrey Attardo
- gifts
- global change
- global change ecology
- Grace Horne
- Graduate Studies Distinguished Graduate and Postdoctoral Mentoring Award
- Guodong Zhang
- Halloween
- Hammock Lab
- holiday shopping
- Honey Bee Genetics and Breeding
- honey bee scientist
- honey bees
- Honorary Member
- Howard Ferris
- human genetics
- hydrogen peroxide
- hygienic behavior
- Ian Grettenberger
- ICE2024
- Inga Zasada
- Insect infomercials
- insecticide resistance
- insects
- integrated pest management
- integrative pest management
- invasion biology
- invasive species
- Iris Quayle
- J. Clark Lagarias
- James R. Carey
- Jason Bond
- Jay Rosenheim
- Jeff Smith
- Jeremy Hemberger
- Jill Oberski
- Jiue-in Yang
- Joanna Chiu
- Joe Tauzer
- John De Benedictus
- John De Benedictus
- Jolene Saldivar
- Juliana Rangel Posada
- Jun-Yan Liu
- Kaitai Liu
- Kathy Keatley Garvey
- Kaylen Teves
- Kearney
- Ken Lorenzen
- Kim Flottum
- Kraken project
- Kyle Wickings
- landscape ecology
- Laura Melissa Guzman
- Lecturer
- Legends
- Leigh Award Seminar
- Leigh Award Seminar speaker
- Leigh Distinguished Alumni Award Seminar
- Leigh Seminar
- Leta Landucci
- Lifetime IPM Achievement Award
- locomotion
- Lohit Garikipati
- Louie Yang
- Lynn Kimsey
- Madison Hendrick
- managed bees
- Marielle Hansel Friedman
- Marlin Rice
- marsh
- medical entomologist
- medical entomology
- Merton Love Ecology and Dissertation Award
- metabolism
- Mia Lippey
- Michael Hofffmann
- Michael Hoffmann
- Michael Kwong
- microbial ecologist
- migratory butterflies
- Mitzy Porras
- modeling
- molecular biology
- mosquito control
- mosquitoes
- Most Fundable Companies
- Moth Night
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Academy of Sciencesilahun Yilma
- native plants
- Neal Williams
- nematode collection
- Nematodes
- nematologist
- Nematology
- News Briefs
- niche diversification
- Nicole Keough
- Nicole Rodrigues
- Nora Orozco
- nutrition
- obesity
- omics
- open house
- Pacific Branch of Entomological Society of America
- PBESA Award
- pest/natural enemy ecology
- pesticides
- Peter Clausen
- Peter Coggan
- Peter Piermarini.seminars
- phenology
- phylogenetics
- phylogenomics
- phytochemicals
- plant communication
- plant pathology
- plant science
- plant-insect herbivore interactions
- plant-insect interactions
- plant-parasitic nematodes
- plant-pollinator interaction networks
- plant/insect interactions
- pollination
- pollinator conservation
- pollinators
- praying mantis
- precision ag technology
- President's Prize
- Rachel Davis
- Rachel Vannette
- Rachel Vannette lab
- Rail Enthusiast
- rap
- rare diseases
- research plant pathologist
- resistance
- retirement ceremony
- Ricardo Vela
- Richard Bohart
- Richard Karban
- Rick Karban
- RJ Millena
- Robbin Thorp
- Robbin Thorp Bumble Bee Contest
- Robert E. Page Jr.
- Robert Kimsey
- root-knot nematodes
- Salil Bidaye
- Samantha MurrayElina Lastro Niño
- scientific writing
- Scott McArt
- seminar
- Seminar Speaker
- seminars
- Shahid Siddique
- Shahid Siddique lab
- Shawn Christensen
- Ski with a Scientist
- sleep
- Society of Nematologists
- soil health
- Soil Macrobiome
- solitary bees
- soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor soluble
- Spotted-Wing Drosophila
- Stacey Combes
- Stagmomantis clauseni
- Student of the Month
- Super Science Day
- Susan Cobey
- sustainability
- sustainable management
- systematics
- Tabatha Yang
- tadpole shrimp
- The Ethogram
- Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
- trait evolution
- tropical fruit fly invasion
- TStephen Kowalczykowski
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology
- UC Davis
- UC Davis Animal Behavior Graduate Group
- UC Davis Bee Haven
- UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology
- UC Davis Department of Entomology an Nematology
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology Retirement Event
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematologyis D
- UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematologyy
- UC Davis Distinguished Professor Jay Rosenheim
- UC Davis Emeriti Video
- UC Davis entomologists
- UC Davis Faculty Distinguished Faculty Research Award
- UC Davis Picnic Day
- UC Davis Staff Assembly
- UC Davis Staff Assembly Awards
- UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center
- UC Davis Young Scholars Program
- UC Mosquito Research Program
- UC Riverside
- University of Florida
- University of São Paulo
- University of Utah
- vector biology
- Veronica Casey
- Virginia Tech
- Walter Leal
- wild bees
- Wildlife Symposium
- wooly bear caterpillars
- Xavier Zahnle
- Young Professionals of American Mosquito Control Association
- Ziv Lieberman
- Zoom presentation