Emily Meineke

  • Assistant Professor of Urban Landscape Entomology
Insects have eaten plants for around 400 million years. These interactions have given rise to most of terrestrial biodiversity. Over the past 12,000 years, humans have disrupted plant-herbivore relationships by building cities, domesticating crops, and changing the global climate. I investigate these disruptions, focusing on species that are of cultural importance, such as street trees, crops, crop wild relatives, and plants that support rare insect species. My work combines experiments, observations, citizen science, and biological collections to address key hypotheses in ecology.

Rachel L. Vannette

  • Associate Professor and Vice-Chair
All plants are colonized by microorganisms that influence plant traits and interactions with other species, including insects that consume or pollinate plants. I am interested in the basic and applied aspects of microbial contributions to the interaction between plants and insects. I also use these systems to answer basic ecological questions, such as what mechanisms influence plant biodiversity and trait evolution.
Briggs Hall 43

Louie H. Yang

  • Professor
We study how species interactions change over time. We apply a diversity of approaches and perspectives to a diversity of systems and questions. We do experimental community ecology. We also use observational methods, meta-analysis, conceptual synthesis, ecosystem perspectives, and theoretical models. We like data, and we like learning new things.
380K Briggs Hall

Neal M. Williams

  • Professor of Entomology
Dr. Williams' research interests include: Pollination ecology, bee biology with emphasis on foraging behavior, ecology and evolution of trophic specialization and plant-pollinator Interactions, landscape change and community dynamics, ecosystem services and conservation.

Shahid Siddique

  • Associate Professor of Entomology and Nematology
Research in the Siddique lab focuses on basic as well as applied aspects of interaction between parasitic nematodes and their host plants. The long-term object of our research is not only to enhance our understanding of molecular aspects of plant–nematode interaction but also to use this knowledge to provide new resources for reducing the impact of nematodes on crop plants in California.
4208 Storer Hall

Elina L. Niño

  • Professor of Cooperative Extension - Apiculture
Dr. Niño's research interests include: Honey Bee Biology, Health, and Breeding, Behavior, Reproductive Physiology, Genomics, Chemical Ecology, Sociology of Beekeeping.
117 Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility