Transfer Preparation Coursework
- Biology
- Botany
- Computer Use
- English Composition
- General Chemistry
- Mathematics, including Statistics
- Organic Chemistry
- Physics
- Zoology
Click here for Major Requirements
Will My Transfer Course Count Toward My Entomology Major?
- Did you take classes at a California Community College?
- Check for updated course articulation information
- Did you take classes at a California State University or University of California Campus (other than UC Davis)?
- Check out the Registrar’s website to see if your course has already been articulated.
- Did you take courses out of state, internationally, or at a private university?
- Be sure to contact an advising staff member at to see if your class is already articulated.
- PRO TIP: Be sure to keep copies of the syllabi from any classes taken out of state, internationally, or at a private university. Our faculty advisors will review these syllabi to determine whether or not your course articulates to UC Davis.
Petitioning for a Course
- Some courses require a prerequisite in order to register for the course. If you believe you’ve fulfilled the prerequisite course equivalent, you will be able to petition the requirement.
- On your schedule builder, click the ‘Actions’ button next to the course. Choose the drop down option “Create Prerequisite Petition” and a window will automatically open and prompt you to fill out the form.
- Once you’ve created the petition, you are automatically registered into the course. The instructor of the course will review the petition prior to the start of instruction. If you are approved, you will be able to take the course. If your petition is denied, you will automatically be dropped from the course. It may be a good idea to register for another class in case your petition gets denied.
Tutoring Map